Beautiful, and More to Come

We visited another township this morning, and I am wiped! I had the privilege of washing some beautiful feet, some tiny ones and some big ones, and praying for God’s plans to come to pass in the lives of some precious children. Another sixty-some kids received a message of hope and a new pair of shoes. (Some Crocs and some trainers.)

My heart is swimming in circles from all this, and there’s so much more I’d like to say than I think I can communicate effectively at the moment. I look forward to sharing more with you soon, but in the meantime I thought I’d share a couple more pictures from Thursday’s distribution. A picture is worth a thousand words anyway, right?

To me, Africa has never been more beautiful.


I Have Three Gabillion Stories to Tell You

Guys and gals! I mean it! I have three gabillion stories to tell you. We had our first shoe distribution today in a township not too far from the Muizenberg section of Cape Town called Overcome Heights. It’s a very poor area where some 6,000 people just showed up and built a settlement in three days because just before elections the government made some sort of promises that would have affected people living in that area. I don’t think they made good on those promises, but anyway, that’s not the story, I’m just wiped from a long day, so I’m rambling.

But one real story is, a bunch of kids were blessed today, with a message of hope, with people who care about them praying for them and washing their feet, and with a new pair of Crocs.


Yes, Crocs. Not the fake imitation ones either. Sorry, was that redundant? Crocs committed 1 million pairs of shoes to Samaritan’s Feet over a four year period, and 1,000 of those Crocs are here in Gordon’s Bay for us to bless people with. Ahem, with which we can bless people. I didn’t want to end that sentence with a preposition, but y’all I’m tired. My southern is coming ow-wt! Dern!

You have probably guessed that because I’m so tired, I’m not going to try to tell you all three gabillion stories right now.

But here’s one.

I saw this little boy today waiting in line just outside the area where the kids enter and hear a message of hope.

I was really sad at first because I saw that he had bare feet, and I didn’t think he had gotten in line in time. There were so so many little feet. Little little bare feet! There are always more feet than there are shoes. But I wanted this little one to get a pair of shoes!

Much to my delight, I realized he had a little strand of bright blue raffia around his wrist. The blue raffia was the magic solution when we’d forgotten yarn and we needed a way to count how many kids would be getting shoes. We’d tie a bit on their wrists and then remove it after they’d received their shoes so they couldn’t come back through.

So I rejoiced when I saw that he was going to get a pair of shoes today. Yay!

And then, I happened to catch him again later…Here he comes to have his tootsies tickled and receive a new pair of shoes!

In the end, we were running low on small sizes, and he got a pair that was a little big for him. See below? We passed them along to his mother and he’ll probably be sporting them tomorrow anyway.

It is tough to know what a drop in the bucket those shoes were. It’s estimated that 300 million people around the world go shoeless every day.

If you have time, please take a second to give that number a second thought.

You back? Okay good.

Mother Theresa once said, “If you can’t feed a hundred, feed one.” Today, among the many, there was this one.

And this one.

And this one.

And on behalf of “these ones,” I want to say thank you, Crocs South Africa, and thank you to those of you who have supported our ministry or Samaritan’s Feet. From the bottom of my heart, and from the bottom of many feet, many, many thanks.


Travelling Tuesday: A Slice of Life in Twenty Minutes

I thought I’d give you another quick slice of life around here this Tuesday, pretty much because it’s been a busy day and I need to get a chicken in the oven in twenty minutes! Let’s see if I can make it happen…

The weather’s cooling off for us now. And probably warming up for you. Lucky.

But we have these beautiful sunrises coming over the mountains in the morning!

If you happen to hold your cursor over that picture and wonder why it is entitled “Sunset Reflection,” well, I was in a hurry — I told you, I only have twenty minutes!

That one too. Sunrise. Sorry.

A big slice of life in Gordon’s Bay right now: We’re reading plenty of books these days.

Notice anything on the Bear’s chin?

He got in a fight with the corner of the tupperware drawer. I suppose he came off second best.

But we picked out that puzzle from Grandpa I told you about…

He’s pretty stoked.

It has a little car that plays music. Buttons + Music as a result of pushing said buttons = Happy Bear


He’s still figuring out what goes where…which is good. What fun would it be if he could figure it out first time?

Okay! I saved the best sunset sunrise!! shot for last and I still have nine minutes to tell all these pictures to be the right size and wrap up! Yeah!

Dern! That took a while to upload! But that’s a twenty-minute slice of life around here these days!

Two minutes to spare! What’s happening in your neck of the woods?


Travelling Tuesday: Strand, South Africa, Part Two

Happy Tuesday! How’s it going? Sorry it’s almost gone! As promised, I am picking up where I left off last week, with pics from die strand at Strand. And good news! Remember a few weeks ago when we were in Pringle Bay and I forgot to take a picture of Hangklip because I’m a cotton-headed ninny muggins? Well I got a picture for you! Check it out:

Yeah! It’s that third point that you see in the distance there. Don’t I deliver? 🙂 Those dudes are playing rugby in case you’re wondering.

So. Strand. You gotta say it with a soft ‘ah’. The Bear is now carefully making his way out to the surf of False Bay, the big bay that Strand, Gordon’s Bay and lots of other pretty places sit on. See that mountain in the background? The almost flat looking one? That’s Cape Town’s famous Table Mountain. This picture is looking at it from the “backside” — it’s more impressive if you see it from the usually-photographed-side facing Table Bay, but either way it’s beautiful!

Now that he’s made it to the surf, the Bear is ready for Dad to come and take him out deep!

While they went for a swim, I took some shots for you! I even asked this cool surfer girl if I could take her picture just for you guys! Don’t say I never do anything for you. Her name is Megan.

I love her red board, purple leash and green board shorts. Thanks, Megan! And amusingly, this big-ol’-pointy-building right here is a condominium complex called Hibernian Towers. I can’t get away from Scottish football if I try. (The “Hibs” stadium was near where I first lived in Edinburgh.)

Here’s another slice of the general vicinity…

Yay, they’re back!

It was difficult to convince the sh-sh-shivering bear that swim time was done.

But when he got hold of someone’s beach tennis ball, he was nicely distracted.

And not keen on returning it. We eventually managed to give it back. 🙂

So here’s the finish-with-a-favourite moment. I don’t know why I like this one so much. I think it’s the funky tree on the right. I love how the beach is right there, so close to the street.

Sigh. I know you wish you were here right now, but just think: March 21st started spring for you, and autumn for us. We’re heading towards winter now! It probably won’t quite be a winter like what you’ve had in the northern hemisphere… but still.

Hope you enjoyed this TT! Did you think it was Strand-tastic? tehe Enjoy your adventure today!


My Heart’s in the Recovery Room

Hero Hub’s parents left bright and early this morning. I am so so so glad they came to visit. There were a lot of special moments. I teared up when Gun-guh (Bear’s name for Grandpa) took the Bear for one more stroll yesterday evening. And last night the Bear decided to demonstrate his mastery over the skill of walking, both hands pressed flat against his belly, chin tucked in, toddling around the flat while we enjoyed our meal together. Gun-muh tried and tried to capture a picture but he was just too fast!

We got him up to say goodbye this morning and it was tough to know that he didn’t really understand what was going on.

I was teary during our prayers at breakfast, thanking the Lord for the time we shared and praying they’ll have a safe trip home to Bloemfontein. And as the Bear enjoyed his bottle of milk just before his nap, HH said “Grandma and Grandpa are on their way back to Bloemfontein. I really hope you’re going to have memories of them.”

That did it.

The combination of a busy and wonderful visit, the reminder of how much I miss my family back in the States, my sister with my new baby niece entering the scene almost 10,000 miles away yes I checked, and the hot water heater having gone on strike was enough to give me a few tears, and a realisation that I need to sit still for while. Some of these things feel like great gain, some a great part of the cost of this endeavour.

God is so good. I am so thankful that Mark’s parents were able to join us and spend some time with us, and especially the Bear. This was the #2 factor in our decision to move to South Africa, only preceded by a desire to listen and submit to the direction of God. Seeing what we came for happen in reality is awesome, and I think that’s how we’re going to feel when we start blessing people with shoes next month.

I have some Bible verses I’d like to converse about a little later, and a desire to request more input from you. Mayhaps?

In the meantime, just give a moment — with all the joy, the hustle-bustle, the laughs and the tears around here, my heart’s in the recovery room.