Hey guys and dolls. Hope your weekend is going well. I have a little bit of happy to share with you! Besides the fact that Goo-Goo and Gammy are arriving today and the Bear is super-excited. And the fact that it’s Saturday, and that’s just a good thing all on its own.


So. Some of you probably aren’t aware that the photography used on this site is home-grown stuff. I would say about 4% of the photos you see here have been snapped by yours truly. I know. I deserve a huge pat on the back. And the creative genius behind the other 96% is one Señor Hero Hubs.

Heckuva guy, y’all.

After some encouragement, mayhaps a little prodding, but not much, Hero Hubs has finally decided to make a little extra effort in sharing his photography skills with these world wide internets. I think it’s a creative outlet that comes at a really good time — job changes and moving top the list of stress causers, and we’ve got that going on right now. Again. I retreat to my favourite medium — words — and he can dig his hands into his — photography.

His scrumdiddlyumptious new site, Quiver Tree Photography, generally features one wide-screen, five star photo in each post, with a backstory. Which is rather nice, because you see a lot of the photos here but don’t get to know much about them — they’re like untold stories swimming in a sea of all the things that I have to say ’round these parts. And I sure do have a lot to say. But don’t they deserve a chance to shine, too?

Gosh, I’m a tired Mama and I digress.

Back to the subject. Here’s my favourite thing about the new site that I want to tell you. On a reasonably regular basis, the Hubs snaps a shot that I want. Like framed and hanging in my kitchen. Like that bird up there that has been my favourite for about six weeks. No, he took it before Baby Brother was born so three months. Well, HH has a nifty thingamabob installed which enables all you sweet potato friends to use the photos on his site to send free e-cards, create a sweet greeting card, or buy a professional quality print. You know, to hang in your kitchen.

And when you purchase a photo to enjoy whilst washing dishes or making Thai Shepherd’s Pie, you’ll be supporting our ministry, as we embark upon the adventure that awaits us. And you’ll live happily ever after.

So, will ya do me a favour on this bright and hopefully sunny Saturday? Please visit Quiver Tree Photography and send the Hubs some love. If you’re on Facebook and you take a moment to “like” his fan page, I will give you a hug next time I see you, because he’s like a kid in a candy store every time he gets another like.

But if you like his fan page and you haven’t liked mine, my feelings are gonna be hurt. Just saying.

So now you know the scoop: if you see a photo round these parts and you want the backstory, leave a comment. I’m sure HH will be glad to take an order, post the photo and share the story with you, and then you can hang it on your fridge or share it with someone else! (And a side note in case you’re wondering: the watermark that you see on the photos when you view them on the site will not be there if you order a print.)

Happy Saturday!