“God Wants to Abundantly Supply All Your Needs”

I was given a prayer journal several years ago that just turned up in the right timing to be a place for me to write down thoughts and prayers and Scriptures when the pages of the previous one were full. It had this message in the front of it, after speaking about the widow’s miracle in 2 Kings 4: “In the same way, God wants to abundanty supply your needs — physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually. Are you ready to receive the blessings He has in store for you?”

As you might guess, based on what I’ve been reading in the Word and thinking about lately, the idea that God wants to abundantly supply my financial needs throws up all kinds of red flags. Why? Because I’m not sure that’s necessarily true. I do believe that God wants to supply my needs. But whether I should be expecting pressed down, shaken together, running over cashflow, I’m not sure.

Here’s why. Over the last few years, Hero Hubs and I have been consistently working on a tight budget. God has indeed met our needs and I have no complaints in that department. But the kind of “ financial abundance” and “prosperity” that is being promised many people from many-a-pulpit today is not what we have witnessed in reality. Our bank accounts are not beautiful, but we are indeed blessed. And the biggest gift, I think, has been that God has simply met our needs, not with ridiculous extravagance, not with Mercedes Benzes and flashy clothes, but with what we’ve needed when we’ve needed it.

I am afraid a lot of people think they are doing something wrong because they are not seeing the kind of (perhaps extravagant) financial blessing they are hoping for, and they are misconstruing the truth in God’s Word.

There are two polarities that exist in my mind here. First, I see the way God has met our everyday needs as extravagant abundance. We live in a really beautiful place. We’re renting a furnished apartment that has been nicely decorated. We have a breathtaking view of the mountains of Gordon’s Bay and when the weather is warm we enjoy coffee on our balcony, overlooking the boats in the harbour right below us. We have never missed a meal because we couldn’t afford to eat.

At the same time, we trust God for the finances to meet our needs, pay our bills, and so on. And by some standards we might be judged to be living very frugally because we don’t go clothes shopping (unless someone else takes us! 🙂 ), we don’t have much in the way of disposable income and we very rarely eat out.

But then there are other standards, suddenly staring me in the face. These are the standards of children who don’t have shoes. Who will not have a coat this winter. Who aren’t sure where their next meal is coming from. And suddenly I realise I am the exception. This is the rule:

If you make more than $25,000/ year (about £17,000 or ZAR 190,000) you are in the wealthiest 10% of the world’s population. Yes, you are actually wealthier than 90% of the people in the world.

I am reminded of the story of the rich young ruler who visited Jesus. He desired righteousness, and perhaps Jesus’ commendation because he’d kept the commandments since his youth. And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and finally said, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.” (Check it out in Matthew 19 if you like.) For years now I’ve read this and thought, shame, that rich young ruler sure was attached to his wealth. He went away sorry because he had so much stuff. We don’t know what he eventually decided to do, and I suppose we all kind of guess he gave up on righteousness because he loved his stuff.

I feel like I have, in some ways, been that rich young ruler without realising it. I am NOT saying everyone is called to sell everything they have and give it all to the poor. I am saying I think a lot of us might be missing a big part of what we are called to do or give, because we are using the wrong measuring stick and don’t realise we are rich already.

I am suddenly seeing the real richness and abundance in my life in the realisation of all that I already have, especially because I have Jesus. I don’t want to miss realising how rich I truly am because I am using the wrong measuring stick. Because I am staring at my neighbours driving porsches and Hummers (seriously) while we drive Mr. Potato Head. Because I would like to be able to eat out lots and often and I want new clothes every month. If you think you aren’t rich because that’s what you lack, think again! If you have more than five shirts in your closet, you are better off than most.

The Sermon in a Nutshell: If you’re sitting on your own computer, in your own place, taking the opportunity to read this today, I have a feeling the Lord may have already abundantly supplied your needs — I just hope you realise it!


A Thank-You Note for Grandpa’s Bearcycle

While I seem to keep heading in the direction of making a vow of poverty, God keeps supplying our every need through people we know and love (and sometimes strangers!) with exceeding abundance. Remember when I thought it wouldn’t be the end of the world if we couldn’t get the Bear a new bike when he outgrew his car? Well, his “Guh-Guh” thought otherwise and sent some funds for us to buy the Bear a new bike.

So while we were in Bloemfontein we found THE bike at a great price at a store that has quickly found a place in my heart, Kloppers. Kloppers represents the beauty of the old-fashioned general store to me, before the days of Walmart where all was privatized, sanitized, streamlined and shiny-floored. On their carpeted aisles, you can find everything from camping gear and garden tools to glass cut the perfect size to fit a wooden picture frame you bought on the side of the road for 20 Rand to electronics and school uniforms to fine china and awesome kitchen gadgets. And then some! The staff are incredibly friendly and even when you’re not an Afrikaans speaker (like myself) and you happen to find a staff member who doesn’t speak English, they still try their darndest to help you out, and it sure is sweet.

Sadly the nearest Kloppers to us is ages away. But we enjoy a few visits each time we’re in Bloem!

I apologize! On to the Thank You Note at hand!

A lot of folks around here seem to be getting the bikes with no peddles that the kids push with their feet and it helps them learn balance. (Is it the same in the States right now?) But we wanted to go ahead and get a proper one with training wheels that would last a while. And we finally found one (at Kloppers!) at a great price. And they lowered the seat a little so the Bear could reach the pedals now … well almost.

Introducing…the Bearcycle!

We tried it out for size again once Hero Hubs had the training wheels back on (after the trip down from Bloem).

And then we were off!

He was very excited to get going!

Not sure why he brought his train, but we put it in his hood while he rode. 🙂

It definitely put a smile on the Bear’s dial. Look at him go!

What’s that? You’ve noticed that his feet aren’t on the pedals…and there’s a rope out front?

Oh yeah…

Well, he hasn’t quite got it yet, it’s still a little big for him…so this is how we roll in the meantime.

He’ll get the hang of it.

Not a bad setting for a first bike ride, hey?

Dear Guhn-Guh,

I miss you so far away in the USA. Thank you for my new bearcycle. I REALLY like it and sometimes I push it around the house even thought I’m not sposed to. I look forward to saying thank you in person! In the meantime, I’ll be working on my skills to show off when we’re together next!

I love you!
your Bear

Thanks so much, Dad!

Gone Guest Posting: The Calm and the Storm

Three years in the UK and cultures finally collided. The decision to circumcise our son meant it had to happen on our kitchen table. A very skilled surgeon. Two-month-old-eyes that never looked so painfully blue. Standard procedure. Some nursing, a nap.

A discovery. …

Want to keep reading?

Well, I am feeling honoured today! A story of mine is featured at the Run-a-Muck in a wonderful series called NightLight Guide. Every Friday, folks from all over the world wide web have been getting together there to talk about issues, life experiences, questions of faith and a whole bunch of other good stuff especially focused on encouraging younger women. Awesome! Please visit the Run-a-Muck today to check it out!

And in case you’re wondering — yes, it is a very true, story indeed.

The Bear was just a little cub, like this, in case you’d like some visuals to accompany the narrative:

Have I’ve enticed you enough? Great! Now head over to the Run-a-Muck to check it out!


Top Ten Reasons My Brother Rocks and Might be a Superhero

The Bear is learning a new word this week. Well, he seems to be picking up at least one new word everyday. Today, he said “Poo-oo” and patted his diaper. He was graciously indicating that he had indeed pooped again. It was the second of four healthy, albeit rather small poops produced by the Bear for my cleaning pleasure today. Why four tiny ones, Bear, why? I digress. There are better words the Bear is learning.

He is working on G.C. for my Mom (he can say the two separately but can’t quite get them together yet), Gammy for Mark’s Mom, and he has the “Doe” of Dodi down for my sister. I can’t wait for him to get her name because I think it’ll be really cute and look forward to her hearing it on Skype. (In case you’re wondering, he’s been saying “Gunh-Guh” for both his grandpas for a while now.) We are working on mastering “Russ” now for another very special reason, which you will discover, as you enjoy this special Top Ten.

Top Ten Reasons My Brother Rocks (And Might be a Superhero)

10. He taught me how to read. That is just ace. Three degrees later, I think he got me off to super start!

He sneaks the Bear away to share superhero secrets...

9. He used to sneak me cookies and milk at bedtime when I wasn’t supposed to have any because I didn’t eat all my vegetables. He had to be a superhero to be so sneaky!

8. He has a job that has him out and about in the city of Atlanta, and he works a lot in hospitals. Superheroes always live in big cities and are nearby when people need help.

7. He has a sidekick named Logan. It’s okay that Logan is a friendly, big-headed yellow lab named after a University Football coach. You go with what works for your character.

6. For years we had a tradition of doing all of his Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve together. You’ve gotta be a superhero to pull that off.

5. He’s a congenial and very likable character. Superheroes are always the nice, unassuming, friendly guy you didn’t expect.

4. The last time I was home, he drove up from Atlanta just to visit for a couple of days and see his little nephew again. Okay, so he didn’t use magic powers to fly up to North Carolina, but it was still pretty super.

3. Kids always seem to love him. He even handles it well when they colour on his white couch. Kids love superheroes.

2. I’m pretty confident he could stop a speeding bullet. At least once.

1. He and his girlfriend, Erin, are coming to visit us NEXT MONTH during the World Cup! He might be using a plane to make the long flight, but coming to visit your baby sister a half-a-world away is a wonderful enough thing to earn you a cape and some tights! Especially if you bring chocolate chips.

So that’s the good news, and that’s why Bear is practicing his “Russ” right now. Although it’s a bit more of a “Ruh” at the moment, I feel confident he’ll have it before Uncle Russ swoops in to save the day. Metaphorically speaking. The other good news is that I’m eating my veggies these days, (can you believe it? If you’ve known me more than a few years you probably can’t!) and no sneaking of cookies and milk will be required. (Although the Bear might not mind a snack.)

Looking forward to your arrival, Erin and Super-Bro!


Inside the Winner’s Circle

Hey! Remember that super-fun giveaway we did a few weeks ago? The one that not very many fellows entered because the stuff was really cute, but I suppose a little bit more lady-like than manly?

Karen from Little Miss Priss Designs was giving away one of these…

Or one of these…

Now you remember? Good!

Well I told you I’d post a picture of the winner’s personalized prezzie, and I’m a woman of my word, so lookie here!

Don’t forget that between now and June 30th you can get 10% your entire order at Little Miss Priss Designs just by mentioning the giveaway at carolinecollie.com! It’s a steal if you ask me!