I’ve had this idea for a little while. I think it’s a pretty simple idea, but it could potentially have a profound impact. Can I just jump right in and tell you what I’m thinking?

We’re almost halfway through 2017. And a lot of my readers seem to fall in the category of being about halfway through running the race of life, too. Now, when you’re running a race, it’s a good idea to take stock of where you are and where you want to go to make sure you’re headed in the right direction. And if the race you’re running is toward Jesus, the road is usually long and hard… and it’s easy to get slowed down, sidetracked, distracted or discouraged.

What if you could get a jumpstart that made you feel like your relationship with the Lord just got fresher, deeper… more vibrant? You can’t pay to get closer to Jesus, but if you could, my guess is you’d probably want to. If you’re running a race in the literal sense, you might visit a trainer who’d look at your form, your gait, how you’re breathing while you’re running, and so on — someone would take stock and make suggestions for you to improve technique and perhaps shave seconds or minutes off your time, making you more effective in the race you’re running.

What if we could take stock together of the race we’re running in the faith toward Jesus, and look for areas that might be those “hindrances and the things that so easily entangle us”? Could we become more effective believers — people who are experiencing and sharing more of the goodness of God, because we have more than enough?

Here’s the idea. I’d like to ask you to welcome me into your inbox every day for 30 days. We will read one chapter of Proverbs each morning. (I’ll give you a link directly to the chapter to help make it super easy.) And then I’ll write about one simple thing to consider that day that might help draw you closer to Jesus. You read the Word, you read the words, and (hopefully) something strikes a chord in your heart that means something to your soul. I’m going to do my best to make it meaningful but brief because I know reading an email is not the only thing on your plate each day!

I’m not going to ask you to do anything overwhelmingly crazy. I’m not going to ask you for money. I’m not going to ask you to move to a different country. (Jesus might.) I’m only asking for the one thing you can’t get any more of — your time — to see if together we could perhaps find our way deeper into Jesus.

Because I believe He is and He is good and sometimes we get sidetracked running the race and we need encouragement to keep going, and we need help looking for the right direction.

We also believe He is, but get confused about Who He is, so sometimes we’ll take the focus off our particular race to think more clearly about the God we’re running toward.

I’ll be creating a private Facebook group to create opportunities for further conversations. My hope is that beyond what I’m able to offer, you will be able to offer each other even more. You don’t have to join that group or be on Facebook to participate — that is just an added option that could increase the impact of this experience for you.

I hope to be “most honest” with you. And I’ll be extending this invitation to all my Subscribers — if you want to join 30 Days Deeper you can Opt-In below. Since this is a different idea to the normal post series at With Love, From Here, these emails will NOT also be online as blog posts. I hope to continue writing and encouraging there during the 30 Days as well, but the content will be different.

So! Two last things: an invitation to you, and a special request. Please sign up to join in 30 Days Deeper. I truly don’t know exactly how Jesus is going to use this in your life or mine, but I feel confident that anytime we take steps to draw closer to Him, He draws closer to us and it is glorious.

And? Please invite a friend to join you on the journey. Having one more person to be accountable to — to ask if they had a chance to read, ask what they took away from it, how they were encouraged — always makes an experience more meaningful, and gives you a person alongside you cheering you on.

Will you take a deep breath and jump in with me? We’re going to get started Monday, May 1st and I cannot wait! Once you sign up below, you’ll receive an email confirmation and invitation to the Facebook group. I hope you’ll join me on an adventure toward deeper waters, and I hope you’ll invite those around you to join in on the journey!



Step One:

Sign up for 30 Days Deeper Right Here —Please Note: If you’re already a subscriber, you might receive an “error” message, and then you’ll indicate that you’d like to update your preferences. You’ll get an email which will allow you to Opt-In to the 30 Days Deeper Email Community by checking a box and clicking update! I will NOT share your email address with anyone, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Make sure you click that box to join the 30 Days Deeper Email Community! You will receive a confirmation email that will help you be sure you’ve done this correctly!

Step Two:

After signing up, Click here to request to join the Facebook Community!

I’m still working out the kinks in the system so if anything happens that you think wasn’t supposed to happen, pretty pretty please let me know!