It was way back at the end of June when we packed those Eighteen Boxes and Mr. Potato Head and took off for wintry Bloemfontein and two months of unforgettable memories. As we drove back from Thanksgiving in Atlanta Sunday evening, sun setting, sky deep blue, and yellow near the horizon, the branches of a wiry tree silhouetted there reminded me of that morning we got up, the stars still in the sky and made our way to the Kruger National Park to watch the bush wake up with the dawn.
As my heart started down the familiar path of longing, missing a season that’s gone, a land that’s now far away, the wise words HH spoke to me a few weeks ago welled up with a reminder: Just be thankful. We needn’t be sad for what’s gone, even though we do miss it, and perhaps there is a grieving, but how much better to frame this too, with thankfulness.
{Morning in Atlanta}
Here now another change comes, a door opens — we’ll move from my Mom’s house (where much has been well and comfortable for these two and a bit months since our arrival) into the house which has come about by the amazing provision of God — a mountain which became a molehill for us when we were preparing to return to the States.
We might actually live in the same place for a while. Like more than two months. Wow!
I am still occasionally missing the forest of God’s incredible provision for the trees — the little things I’m concerned about, which I think we “need”. I opened the Word to read today’s excerpts in my Bible reading plan and after a few chapters of Genesis, these words from the Gospel of Matthew greeted me:
“That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life — whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? [ … Look at the birds… Look at the lillies…] Seek the Kingdom of God, above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.” {Mt. 6: 25, 33 – 34, NLT}
So this weekend we’re moving again, and things might be a little quiet around here this week. But thankfulness is the song I’m continually learning to sing, and trust is the rhythm I’m aiming to dance to.
I’d love for you to join me.
Hey! Extra Special Woo Woo News: I have a couple of guest posts coming your way, right here this week! After this post about {in}convenience sparked some great conversation, I thought we could all use a little practical inspiration. We’ll specifically be sharing tips and recipes that steer away from processed and packaged and are geared toward getting more wholesome, unadulterated stuff on your table. {If you have a recipe or tip you’d like to bring to the table, get in touch!}
Happy to help with the downfall of processed food. 🙂