For a number of different reasons, I’ve recently been for a few swims in the ancient chronicles also organised as events inside my photo library. It’s often difficult not to stop and stare for a moment and remember. The only thing that is certain is that the stream keeps on flowing.


At the Christmas Market in Edinburgh, years ago.


A photo I took from my phone, when our car died and we sat in the Ikea cafeteria waiting for help.

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A memory from one of my most favourite days…


Dear friends holding our firstborn for the first time.


And their “first” meeting our first.

Blesbuck taking off

A picture from the trip during which the Hubs asked me to marry him.

Sometimes photography seems less about making sure the lighting and composition and focus and shutter speed are all perfect. Sometimes the most important thing is just grabbing the camera to savour the moment that is surely about to pass. You may not get something perfect for hanging on the walls of your home, but you often get something perfect for hanging on the walls of your heart.

Re-seeing these precious moments captured ushers me to thankful, and reminds me of the wisdom of this simple verse:

So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. {Psalm 90:12}

May the reminder that today never will be again, touch your heart in such a way that you’ll grab hold of thankfulness with both arms, and savour the good in every moment you’re given.