As a follow up to last month’s tutorial, I thought some of you might be interested in some tips for photographing your two-month-old. And I’d like to say, yes, this baby is actually only two months old. If he looks kind of big, that’s because he is.

Get your camera settings and lighting sorted before you put the baby down, because it’s a baby, and who knows how long you’ve got. I’d recommend starting with the object you used last month, so everyone has a point of reference to see how baby is growing. {Cue Boppy nursing pillow.}


The 2 month sticker you stuck to the six-month-old long sleeve body suit might need adjustment. It should not detract from the extra chin your baby is rocking.


There ya go.

Now, you might have lucked up with a baby that always seems to be smiling. Good for you. That probably means you’re doing a good job.


But if not, a colourful feather duster and a cheerful disposition can make magic happen, ready to be captured.


And if you’re struggling to get that perfect shot where baby’s looking right at the lens,


try getting Mommy to stand right behind the camera.


And that’s how it’s done.

{A Belated} Happy Two Months to Baby Brother. We’re thinking of calling him Rocky.