Can you guess what I’m doing for Valentine’s this year? Me neither. But it will probably involve diapers and laundry instead of flowers and chocolate. The Hubs will be away on a much-deserved snowboarding adventure (which I am totally cool with and very happy about) and hopefully one of my friends in town will come hang out for a few days while he’s gone so that I can still remember how to speak in full sentences by the time he gets back.

{I also know I can always count on my Mama to come hold the baby. Thank heavens.}

However — I have an idea that might make your Valentine’s one to remember this year. And if you’re in this neck of the woods, I hope you’ll check it out!


Zaitona – the restaurant where the yummy dinner will take place – is a new one here in wee Washington that I’ve been meaning to tell you about. I wrote something about it for the local paper right here {if you click that link don’t be surprised when my gigantic face comes up at the top of the page — I don’t know why it does that}. And I think the heaps of you that know how much I love bacon and Bojangles will be proud of me for trying new things — and liking them!

You can find out more about the Sweetheart Package over on the Quiver Tree blog. And back in this neck of the woods, you can look forward to some belated one-month photos of our precious wee girl coming up soon, along with a book review of a book that is absolutely giving me hope for 2013! It might not be what you’re expecting, either!

Love y’all.