My sweet friend over at Se7en is hosting a blogaversary, and she asked me to share a post on her site in celebration of the special event. Privileged, I am!

{In case you haven’t been around here when I’ve mentioned Se7en before, she is the spectacular crafting, blogging, homeschooling Mom of Se7en + 1 (yes, eight) wonderful kids and lives in Cape Town. I shared about her and even did a home tour on a Travelling Tuesday right here! If she wanted to, she could rename her website thebomb dot com, she’s just that super.}

A wee little post featuring the Se7en + 1 Things I’ll Miss the Most from SA was featured on her brilliant site just yesterday. I thought I’d let ya know so you can hop on over there if you’d like to see the list!

But here’s one more thing I forgot that I’m really going to miss!


First one to remember what these delightful creatures are called, and name their closest relative gets a clever badge! Whoo-hooo!