As our departure from these stunning southern shores approaches, I find myself trying to capture the memories like photographs in my mind. It feels like this place still has so many stories to tell. Although some doors closed quickly, and others opened far and wide, so that the way forward for us seemed so clear, still there’s a part of me that wishes we could linger a bit longer. It’s the way I sometimes feel after enjoying a wonderful meal: the conversation is moving to the living room, to more comfortable seats, perhaps teas and coffees, I am still in the dining room, not ready to blow out the candle on this season in South Africa.
There are stories that haven’t yet left my fingertips, ones I look forward to sharing with you here, about what presently is and once was but soon will no longer be. I was asked recently to write about living as an expat in South Africa for a magazine for expatriates (chiefly international families in Belgium). The magazine has gone to print and, with a nod to the glorious magic of the world wide web, I’m able to also share the electronic version with you right here.
If I’ve done this correctly, you can click to read and mosey on over to pages 50 to 52 for some of my thoughts on life in SA. {But rest assured plenty more thoughts will be coming your way right here!}
I hope your week is going well, friend. And I especially hope your travels bring you right here, to glorious South Africa someday soon. Happy Tuesday!
Beautiful! Well done!
Thanks! Dern, but I’ve been enjoying Mama A lately!
Great job CC! Hope you get more invitations to write:)
Thanks Mama!!
Love the photography 😉
Oh Wow you clever thing!!! What a fabulous article, love seeing our crazy fun mixed up country up in lights!!! AND love the photographs too!!! If you guys to take a last trip to somewhere fabulous and fun that is purely South African then take a stroll with your babies to Green Point Park (I blogged it yesterday) we went on the weekend and it is fantastic… fun, local, brilliant for chilling, lots to see and learn… great for short adventurers and strollers… and picnic spots. If you find yourself with a moment then that would be a good place to spend it!!! Lots of lekker love to you all!!!
Thank you for this idea and for the complement! I was thinking of you because there’s a Book Fair at the Somerset Mall out here in Somerset West right now!! There are *some* children’s books at pretty good prices…but I’m not sure it’s enough to make it worth the trip! Wish you lived closer! Love to you ten!!
that’s exciting! nicely done! 🙂 ddk (via juicy’s lappy)
Thanks DDK!!
congrats! you’re published! and it’s GORGEOUS!!! 🙂
Thanks so much!
I’ve never been to SA but your article makes me want to go! I wish you well in your ministry too Caroline: very interesting. Every blessing.