So a few weeks ago, Laura Anne and Emilie earned the clever badge. LA shared hers online but I can’t find where she posted it. And alas, I formatted the dern thing a little funny and when Emilie printed it, it looked like this…

Picture 60

Om…whoops. She emailed me to thank me for her “clever plaque.”

So, I hereby promise to reformat the jpeg before I send it to today’s winner(s) so that, if printed, it prints to be 5 x 5 inches of this gloriousness:


If you win, you can enjoy this magical badge, print it out and wear it around like a superman cape. And you can set it as the desktop picture on your Mac or PC. And you can take a photo with the badge and email it to me and I’ll post it right here and we’ll do the hokey pokey and turn ourselves around. Because that’s what it’s all about.

So today, I’ve got a couple of challenges for you. First winner (or two or three if I’m feeling generous) gets a clever badge. And a spring in their step for the rest of the week, free of charge.

1. Can you name the place (and country) where this fantastic kitchen basks in its own colourful glory?

have a guess

If you poke around over here, you’ll be able to figure it out quickly.

But here’s the hard one.

2. These people are queueing outside the place where a famous very young person wrote a very famous diary. Can you name the city, the writer, and the book? Frankly, I’ll be impressed if you don’t need more hints.


This is what things look like nearby:


Good luck! Hope you can be clever! And I hope your Tuesday is going great!


One more thing: I just want to make sure you all know that you can comment without having a website to insert right there in the comments section. You can use the comment with Facebook thing, or the regular one, and the only required field besides a name is an email address. And I ain’t gonna spam ya. Break a leg!