Isaiah 40:11 says “He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, And carry them in His bosom, And gently lead those who are with young.”


The Lord has been gentle with me these days, where I only find brief moments to meet with Him — the long drinks of daily morning study are a bit hindered by present circumstances, and tiredness keeps me from seeking Him long in the evenings.

But I have made a fresh discovery. It is as Jesus said: “Lo, I am with you always.”

And in these moments, as I try to remember if I’ve rinsed the shampoo from my hair or as I grab a pinch of salt to stir into a banana bread loaf-to-be, I find Him and thank Him, mentioning in the moment something great or small I want to bring to His throne. Surrendering future plans. Thanking Him for present joys. Even letting go of things past that have long needed letting go of.

Even with just a moment.

I watch a newborn tummy rise and fall, one breath after another, and I pause standing over the tiny sleeper to thank the Creator of the Universe who is enabling each one of those breaths to be. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Thank You, Lord. Thank You, Lord.

Perhaps you find yourself in a season of hurry. Perhaps your heart or your circumstances are a hindrance to long walks or long talks, deep reading or quiet prayers.

Know that each moment is an opportunity.

Though I cannot stand long at the vat of grace just now, still it seems that with these short draughts of thankfulness, my cup overflows.