Wouldn’t tomorrow be a great day to have a baby? Perhaps this wee lad is waiting for tomorrow, so that the Bear and I will each have a birthday on an 18th, and he and his dad will both have birthdays on a 24th. Maybe?!


A little interview of yours truly has popped up at Expat Focus today. What a privilege to get to share a little bit and be introduced to some new folks! I thought you might enjoy the read — it’s a little bit of backstory you may or may not know, with a few thoughts in case you decide to take the leap and live abroad for a while. Did you know I’m thinking about going for a world record?

And bonus, Hero Hubs’ wagtail photo is there, too. Why it’s my favourite, I don’t know, but can I just keep using it until you guys say enough of the wagtail, ya cotton-headed ninnymuggins!?!


Click here if you’d like to skedaddle over to Expat Focus and read the interview. I’d love to know your thoughts! And Mr. Wagtail would, too.