Wouldn’t tomorrow be a great day to have a baby? Perhaps this wee lad is waiting for tomorrow, so that the Bear and I will each have a birthday on an 18th, and he and his dad will both have birthdays on a 24th. Maybe?!
A little interview of yours truly has popped up at Expat Focus today. What a privilege to get to share a little bit and be introduced to some new folks! I thought you might enjoy the read — it’s a little bit of backstory you may or may not know, with a few thoughts in case you decide to take the leap and live abroad for a while. Did you know I’m thinking about going for a world record?
And bonus, Hero Hubs’ wagtail photo is there, too. Why it’s my favourite, I don’t know, but can I just keep using it until you guys say enough of the wagtail, ya cotton-headed ninnymuggins!?!
Click here if you’d like to skedaddle over to Expat Focus and read the interview. I’d love to know your thoughts! And Mr. Wagtail would, too.
Mrs Expat, I’ve been dying to ask you for coffee (or tea) but I’ve been waiting for your littlest to say hi the the big wide world. So littlest please come, so your mom can get settled into being a mom of two and then I can invite her over. Really thinking of you. I was going banana’s with the waiting. You could always look at it as just the right amount of time for Bear to have his mum to himself before he has to share.
Philippa, maybe we should plan a coffee date so that the baby can interrupt it! Once baby is here and the grandparents have departed, you’ll have to come for coffee while I’m working up the courage to get out and about! I have several times felt like this has been a really good last bit of time for the Bear and me — I have been trying to treasure and savour it and count all the things I’m thankful for with regard to the little one that is already here. He is changing every day and I don’t want to forget to take notice! But even he has started saying “Come, Baby Brother!” when we occasionally mention something special that he will get to do or play with after Baby Brother arrives. {We’re prepping him to feel positively about all this!} I hope our coffee comes soon!
It was interesting to read your interview. I, for one, didn’t know you were planning to move back to the States. Guess I’d better plan a trip to visit you before you move back this way!