Hey guys and gals! I’m only quiet because I’m recovering, deep in thought and still slightly out of the time zone. But I thought I’d take a quick minute to share a bit of what’s coming up in this space in the days and weeks ahead. (As a promise that I haven’t forgotten you on the other side of the pond.) First let me mention that it is really, really good to be back in our own place. Even though I said it in application to my Mom’s house back in the USA several weeks again, I’m saying it again now: There’s no place like home. Still true.

So here’s what’s on tap in the weeks ahead! {I hope it gets you excited. And if this list is missing something you’d like to see, you’ll say so.}

1. Deep thoughts on a verse I want to spend a lot of time soaking in this year that I hear the Lord speaking to me through over and over again. (Sorry I seem to use that phrase over and over again. No pun intended.) Quoted by Jesus a few times in the New Testament, it first pops up in Hosea 6:6:

“I desire mercy and not sacrifice.”

Six little words, packed with some serious meaning. Woot.

2. A little sprucing up around here for 2011. A slice of a preview:

What’d’ya think?

3. Pictures of our newborn son. Can you believe we have six weeks to go? I am simultaneously three parts pumped and one part nervous. We have a lot to get together around here before this one arrives. Like a name. And moving the Bear into a big boy bed. And hopefully potty training… And a NAME!

4. If he can be convinced, I would really like to start having a regular feature around here with some of Hero Hubs’ five-star photos. You guys, he seriously takes some amazing shots and I want him to pick them out and share them with you here. They are too good not to share. Will you leave a comment and let HH know that you’d like to see more of his awesome photography? Preeeeez???

Alright, guys and gals. I need to get back to the spruce-up project, and get these cankles elevated for a while! Thanks again for your prayers. You are awesome!