Happy Tuesday, Rudolphs and Clarices! (That was Rudolph’s girlfriend’s name, right?) Maybe I should’ve said Santas and Misses Clauses? Buddy the Elf-s and Jovies? I thought you might enjoy a few shots from the wedding we enjoyed this past weekend. Besides being gorgeous, they will also provide a few photos of the Bump that I have been carefully avoiding displaying in this space because I just. feel. so. big.

So. At a beautiful country club in Mooresville, some wedding magic took place. I am especially glad Ginny Corbett was there to capture it, along with her delightful assistant Brittani.  Please check Ginny Corbett Photography out here…she has SKILLS!

I donated the coat hanger for that magic. Yeah.

Look! The bride is getting ready. And this is not a lot of photo magic…she really looked this gorgeous in person.

And … warning, Bump shot … we had a conversation about my big bridesmaid bump. I LOVE this photo.

Seriously. The Wedding Cup overfloweth with loveliness. My dear Amiee was stunning.

Let’s have a laugh while the bride rocks the dock and almost makes her sisters fall off.

Okay. Everybody be serious and we could make a J Crew catalog. Or maybe White House Black Market.

Capture the love. Check.

Capture the scenery. Check.

Are you sure it’s love? Check.

As you can see, it was an absolutely beautiful event and I was so, so glad to be there. {And glad Ginny was there to capture it, but I said that already.}

May I leave you with a last shot that is my absolute favourite? Forgive me if it gives you a toothache…it’s just so schweet!

The five hour drive in the sleet and snow was totally worth it for a Travelling Tuesday like this! Congratulations, Sami & Amiee!!


P.S. Extra thanks to Ginny for letting me share her beautiful photos today. I’m telling you people…skills!