It is definitely SPRING in South Africa. Spring is here! We are thankful. And yesterday we decided to check out a nearby beach and take a few photos, showcasing a particularly important sign, carefully coloured by the Bear! Wanna see?

The beach we visited is a quick drive past Gordon’s Bay on the coastal road. There’s a wee hike down to get to it, but it is totally worth it. And, it. is. gorgeous.

Do I need to zoom in on the message? (Especially since it’s for grandparents!?!)

In case you’re struggling with legibility here, the message is: “Happy Grandparents Day!”


Hero Hubs, the Bear and I would like to wish all the Bear’s (and the wee one on the way’s) wonderful grandparents on both sides of the pond a Happy Grandparents Day!

I tried to get the Bear to colour your special sign with lots of pretty colours, but all he wanted to use was blue. I think he was expressing his sentiments about being so far away from Guncka, Gammy, Gun-goo and G.C!

Although he is a little blue to not be spending Grandparent’s Day with you, he did still manage to enjoy our quick walk on the beach.


Isn’t this a beautiful spot?

We tried to get him to hold the sign for one more shot…

I ended up getting soaked by a wave instead.

I promise I’ll have a pregnancy update for you soon, but this is the only pregger shot I have to share at the moment…

From the four of us to the four of you, Happy Grandparent’s Day!!