Hello again from the road! We’re enjoying our travelling ways these days, Mama D is enjoying her first taste of Africa, and the Bear is just being an all-around superstar, no matter where his head hits the pillow at night! Here’s the proof:
Can you believe he put that Wonder Pet Tuck the Turtle on his own head, and then went to sleep like that? Well he did!
I thought this Free-For-All Friday, you might enjoy a few posts I’d like to feature by my awesome sister (Dodi) and hilarious brother in law (Andy Konigsmark). Please don’t ask me to pronounce their last name for you. I’m still working on it. Well, I think I have it, but Hero Hubs says I’m not saying it right.
But first I want to remind you, in case I managed to let you forget, that a certain charity is being featured as the We Are That Family Back to School Do It For Others Project. Yay!!!! Ahem.
Now it’s time to find out how to make a Joy List. (I think we all should.)
Then learn how to act right at a restaurant. Having also worked in the food service industry, I think this is an important skill.
Last, join Andy and Dodi (and me and my Mom) in having a good laugh at the best of the best of the things the Campers said at the Young Life camp they brought their youth group to a few weeks ago. I am just dying for some context on some of these, and to know how many of them were actually said by Andy! (By the way Andy — you should submit something to stuff Christians like!)
Well friends, we should be back in Gordon’s Bay and life as usual early next week. I may or may not have the internet access to post anything else between now and then…but perhaps the excitement at all the photos you’re going to enjoy when we get back will be enough to hold you over until then!
With love from the road,