“There’s something different about the laundry around here…” said the Bear.

“I just can’t put my finger on it.”

“There is something different about the laundry, Bear Bear.” I explained.
“Because a sweet, sweet family back in the Carolinas sent us some adorable stuff!

And lots of it!”

“Well it sure is comfortable,” the Bear replied.

“And I even have my own Bear now.

I get the feeling these new pajamas could jumpstart my modelling career.

Don’t you think so?

Can you tell I’m posing, Mama?”

“Well I certainly think you’re a handsome Bear. And your Dad looks handsome in his new laundry, too.”

“Everything seems very fashionable, Mama. Cos dinosaurs are IN.

But I suppose this hood makes the dinosaur PJs quite functional too. I like watching Veggie Tales with my hood on.

I think Uncle Andy is gonna wanna know if these come in his size.

I just feel like I can try something new every day!

I might pretend I don’t feel cool…

But I really like it when all the ladies at church Ooh and Ahh and think I’m cute.”

“Say Mama?”

“Yes Bear?”

“When you talk to that sweet family in the Carolinas, tell them I said thank you.”

“Sure thing Bear Bear. I most certainly will.”

Sweet family in the Carolinas, you know who you are…THANK YOU SO MUCH! What a wonderful blessing you are to us!
With LOTS of love and MANY thanks,
xHH, CC & the Bear