Today is the Bear’s 17 month birthday. I am happy to say I don’t really feel like time has flown by, although it is amazing that he is so far along the road of life already. I’ve been able to spend so much time with him thanks to our work situation and, at the urging of so many others, I have been working on savouring and treasuring this special time. Although I think I am occasionally missing something while buried in my laptop, I still feel like I’m doing a pretty good job of getting on the floor and playing with him, savouring the moments of giggling and reading together, stacking cups and blocks and taking apart puzzles (since we don’t have the putting them together part down yet). It does feel like it’s happening quickly, but I don’t feel filled with sorrow or regret that I’ve missed something. And, to conclude this long digression, that’s a nice feeling.

Here’s a glimpse of the life of the Bear at Sweet 17.

These days the Bear is thoroughly enjoying the dishwasher box house.

Dishwasher House

We are still in the throes of discussing the imminent necessity of a first hair cut. But having fun with his long locks in the meantime.

Hair Cut

After listening to an economy lesson on Baby Einstein, this clever 17-month-old has begun implementing the important principle of not enjoying things all at once, but instead carefully saving things for later…

Saving it for later

That’s a piece of biscuit by the way. As previously mentioned, he is also a budding geologist, and a connoisseur of fine rocks and other specimens.

Pet Rock CollectionYes, I see that the hat folds his ears over. But isn’t it cute? He has become Mommy’s little helper, aiding me in stuffing clothing into the washing machine, closing the soap drawer and even pushing the start button when directed. He however occasionally struggles with an impulsive desire to push the button again, when not directed…

Mommy's Lil Helper

Unfortunately, he has confused 17 months with 17 years, and is considering leaving home soon.

Already ready to leave home

He’s all-around being a cutie-pie bear who brightens up our every day.

Cutie Bear

Happy Birthday to the Bear! We are VERY thankful for you, and our lives are so much brighter with your little face in them!