There’s great stuff happening these days!  This is at the top of the list…

10. We have an intern moving into our flat on Thursday! Her name is Hope and she’ll be serving the church in Edinburgh this summer. Should be fun!

9. Scottish summer!  With 18+ hours of daylight, Edinburgh in the summer is tons of fun (although a little hectic) — especially when the festival crowds show up! Woo woo!

8. I am having a blast selling my old textbooks on amazon. And making money!

7. I really think (and hope) Asher is getting some teeth finally! I can stop pureeing everything and buying baby food in jars!

6. Mark and I have recently gotten connected with a ministry called Samaritan’s Feet. We are excited about working with them in the future.

5. Asher is almost crawling on his hands and knees. I’m not excited about chasing him, but I’m excited that he’s getting some skills!

4. Mark & I have been hooked up with free flights and cheap accommodation in Paris — we are going for our anniversary next week! Oui Oui!

3. I’m going to be back in North Carolina for a wee while in August. Hooray for getting to see my Mom and Dad and hopefully some of my stateside friends!

2. Paris in next week! Oui Oui!

And finally…this is a big one…

1. We are MOVING to Cape Town, South Africa. I am very sad to be leaving my bonnie Scotland, but excited that we may soon be serving with Samaritan’s Feet in one of the most beautiful countries in the world! More details to come…