Gorgeous Christmas Cards :: A {Minted} Giveaway

I’m totally pumped to share this gorgeous company I just made the acquaintance of with you guys. AND equally pumped that one of you will win $50 to spend however you please at their magically delicious website.

The company is called Minted, and they are about the business of uncovering design genius — connecting designers around the world with savvy shoppers one sale at a time. They have a B-E-A-YOU-tee-ful selection of Christmas Cards and SO, SO, SO much more.

On my first visit, I drooled over all the funky and stylish fonts, the unique and dapper card shapes, the swoon-worthy chalkboard backgrounds (personal fave) and  just how polished and snazzy every. single. card. on the shelf seemed to be!

Look at these!

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Merry Typography

Dipped Snowflakes

I even checked out the Non-Photo Holiday Cards {shocking for this second-shooting photography-loving gal, right?} and fell in love! First with this “Year in Review” card:

Screen Shot 2013-11-25 at 8.45.06 PMAnd then I broke up with that card because I fell in love with this one:

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which could only be more perfect if that lovely Range Rover looked slightly more like our slightly beat up mini-van. Or good old Mr. Potato Head. {Yes, I still miss that car.}

Classy simplicity, you get my vote.

Then I started perusing some of the other magical stuff on their site, like their Children’s Art Prints. And when I discovered I could CUSTOMIZE their gorgeously designed art prints, I promptly created this one, fainted, and then got back to playing around on their site.

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Is that magic or what???!!!

I’ve gone on long enough, haven’t I? Totally not like me, huh?

So any who, here’s the skinny on this Minted Giveaway. There are three ways to enter, and I was feeling generous, so I decided leaving a comment after visiting the Minted website counts twice. It’s laid out for you plain-and-simple inside the delightful Rafflecopter widget, graciously appearing below. Just make sure you interact with/click on that widget and don’t just leave a comment. That’s important.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

That’s it for now, guys and dolls! One randomly selected winner will be announced after the giveaway ends at midnight on Thanksgiving, this Thursday!

And I’ll have more love from here for you soon… promise.



Disclosure Statement to Keep it on the Up and Up: Minted.com gave me a $50 credit to use at their magical website. But the opinions inside this post are absolutely my own. I consistently endeavor to tell it like it is.