The Bear’s First Fat Lip
It seems like a boyhood milestone, doesn’t it? Our walking, talking, dancing, puzzle-completing Bear is growing up so quickly. And the Bear’s first fat lip happened yesterday! Are you dying to see it?
Look here!
I was using a different camera lens … sorry some of these are a bit blurry.
Don’t see anything? Let’s take a closer look here:
Still don’t see anything? How about now?
Okay, here’s a real close closeup.
Wait — those don’t look like the Bear’s lips do they?
Well, as it turns out, the Bear’s first fat lip was given, rather than received. His Mommy was wrestling him on the floor. He sacked me on first down.
The Grandpa on the west side of the pond will be glad to know I think we have a left tackle ready to cover the blindside on our hands. Here’s hoping he’ll wear Purple and Gold!