Top Ten Reasons It’s Great to Be Back in Scotland
So, as previously mentioned, I snagged this Top Ten idea from my soon-to-be brother in law. I love it! And imitation is the highest form of flattery. Thanks Andy! You rock.
We are safely and happily back in our own place in Edinburgh. And it’s good to be here. Â I thought I would compile a nice treat for you — a few reasons why it’s great to be back in the land of pipes, kilts, castles, Nessie, and the most wonderful and difficult to capture accent I’ve come across in all my 27 years.
{Isn’t Scotland bonnie?}
10. This Sunday, I walked to church in the pouring-down-heavy-snow, and walked home in the sunshine! All the more chances for Asher to wear his fabulous H&M snowsuit! And me to sport my favourite earmuffs.
9. I saw a bloke crossing the street in a kilt with a gallon of milk yesterday. You don’t see that in every day in Venezuela!
8. I missed getting a regular dose of Polish while grocery shopping at Tesco.
7. This is a beautiful, beautiful country, seriously. It’s a good thing the weather’s rubbish or else everyone would move to Scotland!
6. I missed getting a regular dose of Hindi or Punjabi while grocery shopping at Tesco.
5. My hair straighteners are British and they don’t work in America.
4. Some exciting stuff is happening at CentrePoint Church, and I’m glad to be here and be a part of it!
3. In a couple of months, I’ll never be far from a lone piper rocking out “Flower of Scotland” should I be inclined to stop for a listen. And if I wait a while, he might make transition to a song from Star Wars or the Lion King. Seriously.
2. I’m only a short drive away from Glasgow, where folk’ll “set aboot ya” if yer getting tae be a bit roo’dy.
1. I’m nae tired of learning the language o’er here — ya kin?