Sometimes You Need a Little More Focused Encouragement. {Me, too.} Here's where you can check out series I've zero'ed in on in the past.

Swim Your Own Race

31 Days of thinking about the race that is your life, and a little more encouragement than “Just Keep Swimming.”

He Makes Molehills Out of Mountains

When we were preparing to leave South Africa back in 2011, it seemed like we just had one obstacle after another to overcome — but it also seemed like God was in the midst of every little detail. I did my best to pay attention, and wrote some of what I learned in the process here.

31 Days of His Glorious Goodness

I unexpectedly lost my Dad in 2013. I spent these 31 Days reflecting on God’s Goodness, and surprised myself by finding a heap of joy, springing out of a heckuva heartache.

When He Asked & I Couldn't Say Yes

Everyone loves a good love story, right? It took three blog posts to tell our engagement story, but it’s full of great moments and beautiful pictures, and truly? This love story’s my favorite.

When Theology Meets Reality

Because life is always daisies and butterflies. Except when it isn’t.