The Search for Meaningful Tradition (A Book Review and An Elf Alternative)

The Search for Meaningful Tradition (A Book Review and An Elf Alternative)

Each year, with more little eyes and more little ears and more little feet padding their way around our nest, I’ve been hungry to find traditions that would celebrate this most wonderful time of the year with reverence and sincerity. The commercialism seems to get bolder. The advertising seems to get better. And a few weeks ago, my eldest asked if he could start working on his wish list with some help from Amazon.

How do we glorify the Presence and de-emphasize the presents?

We’ll hang lights and remember the Light coming into our dark world.

An evergreen tree will go up, and we’ll remember the One who died on a tree, and how that tree gives us everlasting life.

I’m hungry to communicate the greatness of this incredible Presence — the arrival of the Messiah. This changes everything.  This is why we want to lead lives that honor God. This is why we want to show kindness to the least of these.

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A few years ago, I tried creatively placing the little elf around the house. It just wasn’t a good fit. I watched last year as folks decorated with powdered sugar footprints, came up with creative stunts, and competed to post the best imagery of elf shenanigans on social media. For us, it continued to emphasize the presents. Be good for the presents. The elf is watching. I just couldn’t put so much effort into something that is pointing away from the place I am trying to direct these little hearts’ attention.

Could there be a bright alternative?

Could we aim to forget the stacks of presents? Because this Presence — it’s the Greatest Gift of all time!

This year, in the days leading up to Christmas, we’re starting a new tradition. One that draws a line from Creation to the Cross, and sheds new light on the meaning of the manger.

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Unwrapping the Greatest Gift, by Ann Voskamp, is a Family Celebration of Christmas. Starting December 1st, there is a lesson each day, right up to the 25th. You’re invited to create your own Jesse Tree — a tree you’ve made, perhaps from branches in your backyard — where you can hang ornaments that relate to each of the daily devotions you’ll read as a family. The activities related to each lesson involve things like praying about ways your family can give and serve others over the holidays (and all year long) or making a list of things you’re grateful for.

I’m envisioning creating these opportunities for meaningful connection with our kids at Christmas.

For it all to point to the one thing I want my children to know in this season: Jesus is the Greatest Gift.

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I’m very excited to do this together, as a family, this holiday season. The book is beautifully illustrated, and each lesson includes thoughts to discuss and family activities — all written to point to the significance of the coming of the Messiah, all encouraging us to anticipate and celebrate the arrival of Christ.

In addition to Unwrapping the Greatest Gift, last year Voskamp’s book, The Greatest Gift, was released. This devotional is about “Unwrapping the Full Love Story of Christmas” and was written with adults in mind. It was named the Christian Retailer’s Devotional of the Year for 2014 and is absolutely worth considering in addition to the family celebration, or on its own. (They do cover the same themes and correlate to one another, but they are definitely not the same book.) The devotion draws you in to deeply considering the meaning of the lineage of Christ, and the love story of His coming.

{Voskamp has been one of my most favorite writers for quite some time and you might enjoy her website (very much) — She is also the author of One Thousand Gifts, which is a life-changingly awesome NY Times Bestseller that would make a great gift and I hope you will read it if you haven’t already. It. Is. So. Good.}

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So friends, consider this an invitation from me to you to consider welcoming some new traditions into your Advent Season. I’m excited about finding something to help our family truly celebrate the Savior this season and I’m excited to share it with you.

I’ll continue to write and reflect on the glorious goodness of the Savior throughout the season, but I wanted to tell you now, because there’s still time to grab a copy of one or both of these wonderful books, and allow them to bring your family into some meaningful conversation about the Presence, that might draw focus away from the presents! Don’t worry if you don’t jump in on December 1st!

And? I’d love to hear from you! Have any questions for me? Are you hungry to put more meaning into your celebrations this season? What is your family doing to point to the Christ in Christmas?



Just so’s ya knows — This post was not sponsored by Ann Voskamp or Tyndale Publishers. I bought both books and was excited to share them with you in case you’d like to create some new traditions with your family this season. The links to Amazon are affiliate links. You might also find the books priced well at — we just found it cheaper with free shipping at Amazon. 🙂

Road Maps and Green Lights

Road Maps and Green Lights

I sat up in the dark the other night. It wasn’t late, but everyone else had gone to bed. I was awake with questions. What’s it going to look like questions. And Where to from here questions.

Trusting the unknown future to the known God is harder than it sounds.

Now here’s the thing. I like to know what I’m getting myself into, if you get my drift. If my name is going to be on the list with X or Y responsibility, then, like most folks, I want to know what that responsibility is going to entail. Are there monthly meetings? How long are the meetings? Am I expected to attend every single one?

And if I’m diving into a significant new project, I typically think long and hard about what the ramifications are, before I ever pick up a pencil, a paintbrush… whatever it calls for.

So I sat before the Lord, asking questions. While on the surface I thought I was saying, What am I supposed to do next?, truthfully I was asking that what is it going to look like question, deep in my soul.

I’m brimming over with ideas, thinking about going in twelve different directions, and this simple answer whispers to my soul:

Just Keep Going.

I’m looking for a road map and instead I get a green light.

I’m hoping for a big picture and instead I see a next step.

Isn’t it a funny thing, that statement-suggestion-commandment Jesus made, that if you want to receive the Kingdom of God, you’re going to have to do it like a child?

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We packed ourselves up for a few days in the mountains that week. With colder weather looming, I pulled out tiny gloves, mittens, hats that hadn’t been needed for nearly a year. One suitcase was tightly organized with clothes for all three kiddos for a handful of days. (I was proud of that endeavor.)

On our first walk, the weather was mild. We stood near the lower cascades and dipped our fingers in to taste the cold water that had gushed down from the heights. We were comfortable in light jackets, coats, sweaters, hoodies, not too bundled up, the sun still warming our cheeks.

That evening, we felt the shift — cold weather rolled in. We were on the back porch of the tiny cabin when the leaves started blowing sideways. It was time to come in for dinner and baths and bed.

The next day, I began to pull out those tiny gloves and mittens. The weather changed, and it was time for me to give the children what I had prepared for them – because I knew this was when they needed it.

For our next walk to the upper cascades, coats were on, gloves and mittens covered fingers, tiny hats topped little heads. They had what they needed because I had it to give to them, and I waited until the right time to give it.

And isn’t that what a good Father does? Doesn’t He give His children what they need when they need it?

So when I asked for a road map and got a green light, I remembered my place. I’m not an aunt or mother-in-law or a parent. In the Kingdom of God, I come as a child.

It takes humility to look up, when you don’t get the answer you’re hoping for and to say,

“Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in your sight!”

But He caught me at the right place, and gave me the encouragement in the right timing. So I sat up in the dark, wide-eyed and excited about a plan that God has for me that I know so little about. I sat up excited, thinking about what He might want to do with a soul that just wants to say Use me, and really means it.

I sat up, using my iPhone as a flashlight, furiously scribbling excited prayers into a journal. And I saw the light catch a glimpse of my baby girl’s sparkly little tennis shoes, sitting tidy, underneath a table by the wall, and I said,

Yes, Lord! I can reflect your light even in the darkness! Even if I don’t know what you are doing, I can still reflect your goodness here!

And the eldest of my sweet children sighed a peaceful sigh of sleep on the couch, and I remembered he was just there, just those few feet away, and I said,

Yes, Lord! Long have I used my children as an excuse for not being able to do some of the things I believe I am called to do! Now I see that I can do those things with my children, and I must do those things, because of my children!

There in the dark, that Truth hit me hard, and bright, a Light I hadn’t seen before.

We sometimes hold back, because we don’t know the big picture. We don’t see where the ship is headed. We don’t know what the road is going to look like.

But, when I’ve got to get my children somewhere, well, by all means, I take them by the hand and I lead them right to where they need to go. If it’s urgent, there’s not always a stopping and an explaining, either. Sometimes it’s just I’ve got you by the hand, now let’s get moving.

Could we be a people willing to let the Lord take us by the hand and lead us where He wants us to go?

If we think we have to see the big picture before we take the first step, we are missing the point that we are followers and Jesus is the Leader.

If we tentatively consider each act of obedience, wondering if it’s something that could potentially go viral or start a movement, we need to slow down and remember that faithfulness is what the Lord asks of us.

He doesn’t need His children to come up with grandiose schemes, and He doesn’t need us to be famous to be effective.

If we are willing to let Him take us by the hand, He can lead us best to where He wants us to go, and because He is a good Father, we will have what we need when we get there.

It takes humility to just keep swimming, to receive directions with childlike obedience.

But if you ask for a road map and you get a green light, well, by all means, get going. Stretch your hand out to let Him lead you, and know you can trust the future you don’t know to the God you do.

He loves you. So keep going.